The Metrics Tumour Rikard Edgren No Comments

quantitative numbers in a world of qualitative feelings

I am not against measurements in general, they can surely be useful. I use length when building things, weight for baking, time for appointments etc.
I often use numbers for various things in my bug reports.

But metrics are something different; metrics are measurement plus value.
Should have at least 80% code coverage on unit tests” is a typical example, where “peer reviewed and accepted” would give better results.
2% better defect detection percentage since last release!” says less than conversations with support department.
95% Pass on test cases” means nothing at all.

The measurements with value cannot judge what is important;
reality is impossible to aggregate;
metrics are dangerous.

There are many good software testers that advocate metrics. At a couple of occassions I have had the chance to have “the talk” with some I respect.
It boils down to the same thinking: metrics must have a lot of context in order to be useful, so much details that I believe you could throw away the numbers, or only have them as a footnote.
This is not done, because management demands numbers, that’s what they are used to base decisions on.
But for software and testing that might not be well applicable.
If kids want candy, it doesn’t mean you have to give it to them.
You give them better things, out of respect and care.

Testing provides information, so you should find out what is important to different people, and give them what they need, not necessarily what they want.
Metrics will hide importance, and also skew the development efforts.
Try to take them out, with surgical precision.

Then you are left with one final catch:
Qualitative information is hard to aggregate, trust is needed.

Story telling and week[end|night] testing Martin Jansson No Comments

Story telling is an important part of testing. It is a part where you communicate and tell a compelling story what information you found at. Each story needs a scene in which it plays.

Some of you might have attended the weekend or weeknight test sessions, some might have attended classes in testing where they teach by painting you a scene in which you act. For those of you who are familiar with roleplaying games or story telling games, this is just like the story teller describing the scene and where you as a character act in it as well as interact with other characters. In order to learn the most and to be able to act the best of your abilities, the story teller need to paint the scene so vivid that you can imagine it yourself. The characters you interact with also need to be full of details, have an history and have agendas of their own.

When I took the class in Rapid Software Testing by James Bach, he had several exercises where he painted scenes that we interacted in. Some in the class were very unused to this, but James played the story well and coached them into acting. The best exercises were those that he had been practicing a long time that had lots of details and where you interacted with many different characters. Each character had a history of their own and he could tie them to individuals that he himself had interacted with in past projects. James laid out lots of traps that you were supposed to avoid or escape. He sometimes named what you did so that you can use it as an ability or heuristic in the future and more easily talk about what it was.

Some of you might be experienced with MUD:s, MUSH or similar. These are text based games that sometimes have a flare of role playing in them. As a Wizard (a programmer or game master) you sometimes had tools to you could utilize to make the scenes more vivid. You added *feelings* and smileys to your regular text messages to make a distinction between your moods. This has become a natural part of our language when chatting. Still, you can use it even more vividly when story telling in a chat.

How can you then apply your story telling skill to the test session? Here are a few ideas:

  • Paint the scene well before the session, with all characters, the mission etc
  • As a group of participants, what is your role? Are you a team? Do you know each other from before? How were you gathered? If there is a mix of skill and experience, how do you explain that? How do you intend to act it out? If you are experienced will you act in a different way so that the traps laid out will give a better learning experience for the in-experienced ones? It is good if this is defined before the session start.
  • Put more details in the characters. Let them have names, titles and a brief history. It will make the decision making, interaction and role playing in the scene alot better.
  • As a participant, when asking questions be clear to whom of the characters you talk to.
  • As a session leader, when asked questions be clear on which character that answer.
  • As a session leader, be clear when you want to give out general information about the scene, information about the characters in it or things that the characters notice as one “voice”.
  • As a session leader, use the power of story telling such as “Meanwhile somewhere else … ” where you paint a scene to show things that happen outside the scope of the camera. This is a good trick to bring even more detail and power to the story being played out. Visualizing what you do with the camera such as zooming in or out can also paint a more interesting scene.
  • As a session leader, do you want someone to act test lead so that they can practise leadership and organisational skills? If so, perhaps coach them into the story and scene a bit before hand.
  • When chatting add feelings and moods to your regular chat message so that you can roleplay differences in what you say, as hidden messages between the lines.

I understand that there is a limited time issue both for preparation and when actually doing the session, but doing some of these things might help to some extent. Who knows, you might learn more?

Working with the testing debt – part 3 Martin Jansson 3 Comments

This is a follow-up from Working with the testing debt – part 1 [1] and part 2 [2]. The reason for the clarification is that you so easily come up with a tip without a context or example.

Tip 3: Grow into a jelled team (read Peopleware [3] by Timothy Lister and Tom deMarco for inspiration). Peopleware identifies, among other things, things that you should NOT do in order for a group to grow into a jelled team. As a team it is so much easier to gain momentum in testing and especially so if you are jelled. Do you need to reconsider how you work as a team?

In one project I was test lead and tester. I had two fairly inexperienced testers assigned to me. I used a somewhat exploratory test approach to the planned tests, but they were far from organised and not well communicated. The tests consisted of a long list of one-liner test cases/test ideas. They were quite vague, thus enabling the tester to think for him-/herself. I had added some very specific test cases that were meaningless to run several times, but they were mixed in with the more vague ones. The testers thought it was meaningless to run the test cases several times, but I wanted them to do it anyway. Still, my intention was that they only use them as a guide. I did not communicate well and the testers did not feel like they were part of the test planning (which they weren’t) and thought I had set it up wrong. The mood in the team was foul. The testers had a hard time working with me for several years after that. Looking back I think they spent quite a lot of time that did not give any new information from what we had.

In another project I was assigned as tester together with my regular test group. We worked as consultants at the time. We did not know the project manager, test lead or any of the other testers that well. We were assigned test cases in different areas of the product suite. The test lead walked around and handed out test cases. There was no collaboration in the team. Sometimes when we talked over a coffee we noticed that we had done double work. Some tests were to be run in quite advanced configurations that took 90% of the time to setup. After a while we realised we spent 70-80% of the time setting up configurations, 10-15% of the time reporting bugs and the rest actually testing. By collaborating more we could have saved time to better switch tests around in the configuration that were needed between us. The team composition was 70% new consultants and 30% perm. employees.

And in yet another project the test team had worked together for quite some time. The whole team was involved in creating test missions/charters. Everyone tested and assisted in changing the test plan. When there was a major area that needs to gain some focused testing we assembled a group who generated test ideas, did some test design and did collaborative notetaking on the specific area. During the day the group debriefed several times and changed the test scope based on the feedback. Everyone was involved and felt great.

At one company we had assembled all testers into one big team (see [4] and [5] for setup) where we assisted all projects, the support organisation, the marketing organisation as well as taking on special missions from managers at different levels. When we started we had some unresolved conflicts, but as the team grew and as time went by the conflicts diminished. We worked hard together serving the organisation as best we could. As the team set forth we had the Black Team (inspired from Peopleware) in mind. We challenged the organisation to give us more to test, we could take on anything. We might have taken a bit too much pride in our work, but still I think that was needed after years of being looked upon as the nagging, complaining test team.

At the same company as above we sat in groups of four. When we got a new build we were armed to the teeth with test ideas, assigned areas for investigation and energy to shot down (not literarely) anything coming our way. During testing someone could shriek out in delight as a critical bug was found. The whole group would sometimes plung in and attack the same area from different angles to root out more issues, then continue on the track that they left earlier. We longed from the untouched (by testers mind) new features. We overwelmed the organisation with bugs, never having to consider that we might be the bottle neck at any time.

We all act differently depending on the context. With experience you hopefully learn from many of your mistakes. After you have been in a jelled team, you wish to be in the same situation again. You now know how good things could be and when you are not in that flow, you try to determine how it could be so. The book Peopleware is one of those things that might get you ideas on what you or people around you should stop doing  in order for your team to become jelled. Do not be afraid to tell management things that they that will stop you from growing. In some cases they might not know that they are doing it in a way that corrupts.

How does this affect the testing debt?

The benefits are obvious, a sentence to rise a cautioning finger about, but perhaps somewhat valid in this context. Part of the dilema is how you perceive the team that works well together. Do you see it is as a Clique (roughly described as an arrogant group) or as a Jelled Team? For my description I emphasises on a team that see itself as a jelled test team. When I say to increase the testing debt I mean that your backpack is getting heavier. Each time you start a new task, new project or new assignment you take the content of your backpack into consideration. Being a jelled team enables you to move more smoothly and become more flexible, thus able to become quicker and hopefully deliver better result.

We should also consider that there are differences between a team that is jelled consisting of various roles (such as a cross-functional team) and a team with only testers. Both constallations have different issues and both will have an ever growing testing debt. Some tips would apply to one constallation and not the other, naturally.

Kay Johansen and Anthony Perkins identified a few interesting ideas in their paper Establishing an Agile Testing Team: Our Four Favorite “Mistakes” [6] that I think is relevant to building a jelled testing team. We also have a paper by Elizabeth Hendriksson on Agile Testing [7] that identifies things you should not do as a tester if you intend to be agile. They are most relevant when considering what role testing should have in a cross-functional team or what your attitude is as a test team. Brian Marrick has made a compilation of articles [8] on Agile Testing, somewhat old ones but still valid as a way to consider when trying to become more effective and build a jelled test team. Marrick has also created the article Classic Testing Mistakes [9] that is valid still and should be considered when trying to identify why your team is not jelled yet. I’ve also written two blog posts about growing test teams: Uncertain team composition [10] and Progress [11]. Both tries to focus on things you should not do in order to get a jelled test team.

Some specific things that I see a jelled test team do, that decrease the testing debt, is:

  • Build on each others test ideas. With this I mean that we are triggered on each others test ideas to create new ones until we have no further ideas.
  • Easy of changing direction. I often promote the concept that the test team or the team in general need to be flexible, thus the naming of The Flexible Test Team. If the team works well and trust each other it will be easier to accept change.
  • Collaborative notetaking. In a team where you want to work together and where you enjoy cooperation it is the teams effort that counts, not the individual. This is also true for taking session notes. This is no best practice (as none exists), but a practise that is good in some situations. That the team have the ability to do this is a bonus.

With an unjelled team, a group of people that do not collaborate as well as they could, thus increasing the testing debt, I instead see:

  • Stacking of test ideas. This means that each individual identify test ideas and they are summed up, with duplicate ideas removed. An unjelled team is more inclined to do this than a regular jelled team.
  • Double work and duplicate testing. This might be the result of bad leadership and test leading, but based on my experience I think it is more common than in a jelled team.

What things do you consider for a jelled test team or a jelled team that has mixed roles but with testers in it? What have I missed as you see it?


[1] Working with the testing debt – part 1 –

[2] Working with the testing debt – part 2 –

[3] Peopleware –

[4] Flexible testing team –

[5] Resource planning in a flexible test team-

[6] Establishing an Agile Testing Team: Our Four Favorite “Mistakes” by Kay Johansen, Anthony Perkins –

[7] Agile Testing by Elizabeth Hendriksson –

[8] Agile Testing by Brian Marrick –

[9] Classic Testing Mistakes by Brian Marrick –

[10] Growing test teams: Uncertain team composition –

[11] Growing test teams: Progress –

The Best Product in the World Rikard Edgren 6 Comments

I recently acquired the best product in the world, for me.
It is a Victorinox serrated multi-purpose chef’s knife that I use to slice bread.
In 2000, chefs around the world voted it as the best knife in the world.
I want to go one step further, and name it the best product in the world, all categories.
Some people say that if you go to a restaurant, and they don’t have this knife anywhere, you might as well leave at once.

The Best Product in the World

When I use the knife it has an incomparable feeling when it cuts through the hardest crust of a sourdough bread. There is an ease in its operation that brings well-being.
It might have drawbacks I haven’t noticed yet, but with this 100% Charisma I don’t really care, I could slice bread for days.

So what kind of charisma does your product have?
Can you test for this and make suggestions for improvements?

Lightweight Compatibility Testing Rikard Edgren 3 Comments

In testing text books you can read that compatibility testing should be performed after the functionality testing and bug fixing is completed. I guess the reason is that you don’t want to mix these categories, but hey, what a waste of resources.
My suggestion is to perform the compatibility testing at the same time as you are doing your other testing; when problems arise, trust that you will deal with them.
In my classification, compatibility testing involves hardware, operating system, application, configuration, backward/forward compatibility, sustainability and standards conformance.
Here follows some lightweight methods to tackle these areas.

Basic Configuration Matrix

Basic Configuration Matrix is a short list of platform configurations that will spot most of the platform bugs that could exist in your currently supported configuration matrix.
The simplest example is to use one configuration with the oldest supported operating system, oldest browser etc; and one configuration with the newest of all related software. A more advanced example could use several configurations that use different languages, Application Servers, authentication methods
Often it will take quite some time to run most tests on BCM; so alternate between the configurations while testing your product. Do variations on configurations when appropriate.

Error-prone Machine

Another trick is to setup machines so they have a high chance of stumbling on compatibility issues. You can vary this on your BCM, your personal machine or whatever is suitable. The idea is to get some compatibility testing almost for free.
Examples on Windows include: run as Restricted User, use Large DPI setting, use German Regional Settings, install support for all of the worlds characters, non-English language in Internet Browsers, move system and user Temp folder, activate IE ‘display a notification about every script error’, move Task Bar to the left side of the screen, Windows Classic Theme & Color Scheme, use User Access Control, use an HTTP proxy, use Data Execution Prevention, install new versions as they come, e.g. latest hotfixes, MDAC etc, never install software on default location, run with 2 screens, on a 64-bit system, use different browsers, turn off virtual memory swapping, , install Google/Yahoo toolbar, run Energy Save Program, pull out the network cord every time you leave the computer; and put it back in when you return, turn on the sound!

Technology Knowledge

If you know a lot about the environment the software operates in, you know which things will happen in reality, which settings that usually are altered, and how it is commonly operated.
The lightweight method is to use this knowledge and make sure you test the most important things.

Letting Others Do the Testing

Many compatibility problems happen on basic usage, which indicates that you can let others do a big part of the compatibility testing: developers can use different machines and graphics cards, Beta testing can be done in customers’ production-like environment. If the product is free of charge, you might even get away with addressing problems after your users encounter them (but make sure you have an easy and compelling way for them to do this reporting.)
Crowd-testing could be a way, but so far the payment models from the testers’ perspective are not ethically defensible, to me.

Reference Environments

To quickly investigate if you are experiencing a compatibility issue, it is handy to have reference environments available. It could be someone else’s, a virtual machine, a quickly cloned image, your own machine etc.
Personally I prefer having a physical machine that is running similar things, but on a different OS, different language and/or earlier version. The last years I have had three machines and three monitors, and by switching, I get a lot of compatibility testing done at the same time as testing new features. When I check things on an older version, I can save documents and use them for next tests.

Backward/Forward Compatibility

Backward compatibility is easiest done if you can use real customers most complicated files/data/documents. Use these as you test any functionality (Background Complexity Heuristic).
Occasionally communicate between different versions.
Forward compatibility should be designed in the architecture, as a tester you can point this out.


Have conversations around the question: Is the product compatible with the environment? Have we considered energy efficiency, switch-offs, power-saving modes, support work from home and the likes?


A lightweight method for standards conformance is to identify which ones are applicable, and ask the experts if they understand it, and successfully have managed to adapt it to the new context.
Let’s finish with a non-lightweight method: you can become the standards expert.

No Flourishes and New Connections Heuristics Rikard Edgren No Comments

I used to be a bit skeptic towards the word “heuristic”. It seemed needlessly advanced, and things are possible to explain in other words.
But when I read Gigerenzer’s Gut Feelings about how to catch a flying ball, it all came together.
For software testing, which can’t be complete, is dependent on many factors, with a product to be used with different needs and feelings; techniques are not appropriate. It is about skill, and human skill is very good to describe with a variety of heuristics.

When blogging about some heuristics I think are un-published and worth knowing about, I’ll try to do two at a time; more bang for the bucks.
With English as second language it is difficult to give them good names, so feel free to suggest better names! (and content…)
And remember, heuristics are not rules; they are more like rules of thumb, that might be useful, in specific situations.

No Flourishes Heuristic

At many times you can design and execute straightforward tests, without garnish, fancy tools, and incomprehensible details.
Try this when you have the chance!
See if perceived performance, manually clocked, can give good information.
Use common options instead of combinatorial.
Look at the GUI instead of automating tests.
Try to do something valuable instead of covering all paths in last years use case.
Write your basic test strategies in plain English, so everyone can review them.
Use what you have, and look for what’s important.

New Connections Heuristic

How do you “discover” what is important?
I think it often is about combining different knowledge in new ways.
So you need to know a lot about the product and its context, and look for connections between the wide diversity of knowledge you have.
When reading, talking, thinking, you sometimes instantly think “but this could have big impact if one is trying to do that!”
Or during test execution, when you suddenly get an impulse that you have to add some other things to the stew.
This might seem unstructured, and dependant on chance, but that is OK. If software testing is a sampling problem, we need different ways of discovering what is important.

Working with the testing debt – part 2 Martin Jansson 1 Comment

This is a follow-up from Working with the testing debt – part 1 [1]. The reason for the clarification is that you so easily come up with a tip without a context or example.

Tip 2: Focus on what adds value to developers, business analysers and other stakeholders. If you do not know what they find valuable, perhaps it is time that you found out! Read Jonathan Kohl’s articles [2] on what he thinks adds value for testing.

In one project I worked with a group of experienced developers. I had not worked with them before close hand, but they had received some of my bug reports and knew me by reputation (whatever that was) in the company. When I got their first delivery to me to test I started right away. Immediately I got the feedback that I was not testing the right stuff and there were a bit chilly in their demeanor towards me. I investigated a bit what had happened and found out that they were not really interested in the minor bugs at that moment and that I should focus on the major issues. I explained to them that I report everything I find, I was not expecting everything I found to be fixed though. What was fixed was up to those who prioritized the bugs. Before I started testing I asked them what they wanted me to focus on first. After that they were a lot happier, both knowing I worked on things valuable to them and that they understood that I reported everything that I found.

During another project we were two weeks from the release of the product. We were in the middle of a transition from traditional scripted testing to an hybrid with both scripted and exploratory testing. Rather, we had test scripts that we used as a guideline when we explored, but we reported Pass/Fail on those. At that time Project Management was strict in wanting number of test cases run as well as the Pass/Fail ratio. Earlier test leads had not communicated well why these figures held no value. When we had run all planned test cases project management communicated to their managers that we were done. But we were not, we continued with working on our planned charters and ran sessions. We interviewed the support organisation, business analysts, product management and experts in the test organisation. Eventually we got a long list of risks and areas that we should investigate. We also got a long list of rumours that we intended to confirm or kill. Basically, we were far from done and we still had time before the release as we saw it. We had also received areas that people in the organisation found valuable to get information about. Still, we failed because we had not communicated enough to project management what we were doing. We managed to go through most of the areas and identified lots of new issues as well as killing many old rumours. We failed to bring value to some, but not all.

How does this affect the testing debt?

If you continue to work on things that have no value to you or any of your stakeholders, you must take a stand and change things. Do not accept the situation as it is. If you and everyone around you think you and your test team are not doing anything of value, it will just add to your testing debt.

As I state above Jonathan Kohl gives a good set of questions [2] for you to ask yourself to get back on the path. Also consider what Cem Kaner writes about in Ongoing revolution if software testing [3], because it is still ongoing and it not over.


[1] Working with the testing debt – part 1 –

[2] How do I create value with my Testing? –

[3] Ongoing Revolution of Software Testing –

The automotive industry is not the role model Henrik Emilsson 5 Comments

This began as an answer to Rikard’s post where the discussion on “traditional testing” came up.

I often hear comparisons with our “industry” and the Automotive industry.
In that context, you could say that “traditional testing” corresponds to the methods and practices that are applied in line production of large car companies. And the unorthodox testing can be compared with those specialized and often smaller custom car builder companies out there.

The major issue with this kind of comparison is that large car companies makes thousands of the exact same type of car. Instead this means that the “traditional testing” approach is an attempt to apply line production methods when building custom cars. Applying “traditional testing” as if every project and product were the same is both wrong and dangerous.

And this comparison is not that far-fetched… It seems to me like “traditional testing” is promoted as practices that suits many (if not all?) projects and should be followed in order to enable success. Well, good luck!

Further, many practices that we use today comes from the automotive industry (at least in their latest form).
If we fail to see why they implemented them in the automotive industry and just take them as good practices for being effective in line production, we are doing the opposite of what the automotive industry did. They did some investigation on how they could improve their work. Some of that included seeing the human beings as intelligent and social creatures; utilize the diversity of a group of people; etc. And their productivity and efficiency could be measured by measuring number of cars and their quality. So by treating humans as humans they became more efficient (number of non-defective cars) and improved their work methods (analyzing quality of work).
When Lean development is implemented in psychiatric nursing or software development today, the focus is very often on the quantity measuring part which then misses the whole point. Measuring patients or software as uniform units is very wrong and dangerous.
It’s not that Lean or Kanban is to blame, it’s the implementation; and perhaps mostly the implementors.
The role models for Lean implementations in many healthcare institutions in Sweden have been some successful nursing teams that have increased their efficiency and quality of their work by using Lean development as a method. What those successful teams really did were to take command of their own work and found a method that supported their initiative and commitment. (Anyone had similar experience? Me!)
The problem is that when this is implemented by management at the whole hospital or nationwide, the focus is shifted from “Quality of work” to “Quantity of work” because that is the obvious driver for management and really the only incentive for they to implement it. They only need to say that this is a “best practice” and then it’s OK…
I do need to emphasize that you don’t automatically get high quality work by implementing “best practises”!

This is happening all the time; and the last flavor of the month is Agile.
If you read the Agile Manifesto and then think that you must play planning poker or have standup meetings you are obviously not understanding the Agile Manifesto.
I’m with Matt Heusser on his interpretation here:—-or-the-Manifesto-elaborated/Testing-Software-Test-and-QA-Teams-Strategy-Agile-Development


a word of caution Rikard Edgren 12 Comments

If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you have probably read some challenges of established ways of testing.
I write stuff like “anyone can do non-functional testing”, “look at the whole picture”, “test coverage is messing things up”, “you can skip all testing techniques”, “requirements are covered elsewhere, so focus on what’s truly important”, “Pass/Fail-addiction” or “be open to serendipity”.

It might be a bad idea to start with these alternative activities, people might think you are crazy.
You might have to do thorough, planned, systematic, requirements-based, to-the-bare-bones testing, in order to get the respect from the rest of the organization. The respect you need for your work to be appreciated and used.
You might need to follow the existing practices, to show respect, and learn about the organization.

So even though a radically different test approach would be faster and better, you should consider “traditional testing” as an appetizer for the main course.

Binary Disease Rikard Edgren 17 Comments

I have for a long time felt that something is wrong with the established software testing theories; on test design tutorials I only recognize a small part of the test design I live in.
So it felt like a revelation when I read Gerd Gigerenzer’s Adaptive Thinking where he describes his tools-to-theories heuristic, which says that the theories we build are based, and accepted, depending on the tools we are using.
The implication is that many fundamental assumptions aren’t a good match for the challenges of testing; they are just a model of the way our tools look.
This doesn’t automatically mean that the theories are bad and useless, but my intuition says there is a great risk.

Software testing is suffering a binary disease.
We make software for computers, and use computers for planning, execution and reporting.
Our theories reflect this much more, way much more than the fact that each piece of software is unique, made for humans, by humans.

Take a look at these examples:
* Pass/Fail hysteria; ranging from the need of expected results, to the necessity of oracles.
* Coverage obsession; percentage-wise covered/not-covered reports without elaborations on what is important.
* Metrics tumor; quantitative numbers in a world of qualitative feelings.
* Sick test design techniques, all made to fit computers; algorithms and classifications disregarding what is important, common, risky, error-prone.

When someone challenges authorities, you should ask: “say you’re right, what can you do with this knowledge?”

I have no final solutions, but we should take advantage of what humans are good at: understanding what is important; judgment; dealing with the unknown; separating right from wrong.

We can attack the same problems in alternative ways:
* Testers can communicate noteworthy interpretations instead of Pass/Fail.
* If we can do good testing and deem that no more testing has to be done, there is no need for coverage numbers.
* If the context around a metric is so important, we can remove the metric, and keep the vital information.
* We can do our test design without flourishes; focusing on having a good chance of finding what is important.

Do you think it is a coincidence that test cases contains a set of instructions?
These theories cripple testers; and treat us like cripples.

Now you know why people are saying testing hasn’t developed the last years: we are in a dead end.

And the worst is that if Gigerenzer is right; my statements have no chance of being accepted until we have a large battery of tools based on how people think and act…