Translations of Quality Characteristics the test eye

To our delight,, Software Quality Characteristics have been translated to five languages.
Not only have these people created more words describing aspects of quality, they have also developed their own understanding.

Dutch – Software Kwaliteits Kenmerken (Huib Schoots, Ruud Cox, Ray Oei, Zeger van Hese, Jean-Paul Varwijk, Jeanne Hofmans)

Polish – Charakterystyki jakości oprogramowania (Radosław Smilgin)

Romanian – Caracteristici de Calitate a Produselor Software (Adina Moldovan, Ramona Tripa, Alexandra Casapu)

Norwegian – Kvalitetsegenskaper for programvare (May Britt Sandtorv, Geir Gulbrandsen)

Swedish – Kvalitetsegenskaper för programvara (Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson, Martin Jansson)

Translations to other languages are encouraged, drop us a mail if you are interested.

Thank you!
Henrik, Martin, Rikard

Mauri Edo June 24th, 2013

Hi there!

I am very interested in translating the “Software Quality Characteristics” poster to both Spanish and Catalan, how can I make it happen? I feel it could be very useful to the spanish and catalan testing community, as we suffer a lack of materials in our own languages.


Mauri Edo

Rikard Edgren June 25th, 2013

Hi Mauro

Looking forward to this!
I have sent you a mail with a more easily translatable document.


Zoltan Molnar June 27th, 2013

Hi guys!
I would fain to translate it to Hungarian.

Rikard Edgren June 27th, 2013

Zoltan, Mauri; good luck with your translations!
It is more work than one might believe, but it is worth it.

Rikard Edgren October 24th, 2013

We can now add Hungarian to the list:

Szoftver minoségjellemzok

Thanks, Zoltan, hope it was worth the effort!

Rikard Edgren February 1st, 2014

Mauri Edo, Núria Cardona and Marcel Puchol have finalized Spanish and Catalan translations of software quality characteristics.
Thank you!

Spanish –
Catalan –

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