Archive for April, 2011

Do we all want black coffee? Henrik Andersson 10 Comments

We, testers, are we all alike? Looking back over the years I’ve been involved in testing, I would say I have met a whole bunch of different testers. Some shared my passion and fascination for testing, others were not testers they just happened to have the job title. However, I have always appreciated our craft […]

A Factory of Skilled Testers Rikard Edgren 11 Comments

I do not see myself as a member of any of the Schools of Testing, and I have ethical problems with labelling other people than yourself. However, I see the schools as a fruitful tool for enhancing your understanding of views on testing. So please join me in the following thought experiment. The following is […]

Highlights from SWET2 the test eye 1 Comment

The delegates of the second Swedish Workshop on Exploratory Testing (Test Planning and Status Reporting for Exploratory Testing) were: Henrik Andersson, Azin Bergman, Robert Bergqvist, Sigge Birgisson, Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson, Ola Hyltén, Martin Jansson, Johan Jonasson, Saam Koroorian, Simon Morley, Torbjörn Ryber, Fredrik Scheja, Christin Wiedemann, Steve Öberg Discussions on peer conferences can’t be […]

Thoughts from SWET2 Torbjörn Ryber 14 Comments

Once again I have spent the weekend with members of the cream of Swedish testers. This time The Test Eye trio consisting of Henrik Emilsson, Martin Jansson and Rikard Edgren were the hosts. The theme was Exploratory Testing and Planning and we managed to keep the discussions within that scope most of the scheduled sessions. […]

Finding low-hanging fruit Rikard Edgren 2 Comments

Now and then you hear that developers should implement better support for testability, so testers can work more efficient. This is all well, but what about the opposite; how can testers make developers go faster? System testers have system (and a lot of other) knowledge, and we can see if the product turned out really […]