‘Ideas’ Archive

Are we ashamed of software testing? (And who is willing to pay for it?) Henrik Emilsson 1 Comment

Imagine that you run a software consultant shop where you take on projects for customers. The projects cover such areas as new software development; implementations of IT systems; and web site development. Let’s say that you are about to create a offer for a new project to a customer. Do you dare to specify the […]

Automate configuration checks while testing Martin Jansson Comments Off on Automate configuration checks while testing

I assume you are familiar with the discussion around checks vs testing brought to you by Michael Bolton, which I agree with. With configuration I mean settings on a unit such as settings for whatever you are testing. This can be configuration heavy devices such as switch, router or similar using SNMP, applications using the registry or applications using […]

YouTube Premiere! Rikard Edgren 2 Comments

At EuroStar 2008 I presented Testing is an Island – A Software Testing Dystopia. Fritz shot the pictures, Henrik wrote the music, and I uploaded it on YouTube: The accompanying paper can be found at http://www.thetesteye.com/papers/redgren_testingisanisland.doc

Alternative usage of Test Process Improvement Rikard Edgren 1 Comment

Last week I attended SAST VÄST seminar (Gothenburg section of Swedish Assocation for Software Testing) with two interesting presentations. One of them was about experiences of TPI, Test Process Improvement, and a sneak peek of the improved TPI Next. I am not fond of TPI, or TMM, or CMM, or anything else that tries to […]

What’s so special about software testing? Rikard Edgren 6 Comments

There are some things about software testing that are special, but not unique: * you are never done, and there is always something to do * you have to be creative very often * you are dependent on new, different and conflicting technologies, users, objectives It’s not easy to be a tester, thank God for […]

Michael Bolton on Testing vs. Checking Henrik Emilsson 2 Comments

I just want to promote a really good blog post written by Michael Bolton where he describes the difference between Testing and Checking: http://www.developsense.com/2009/08/testing-vs-checking.html I wish that many managers, testers and developers read this post… Cheers, Henrik

The Inquisitive Tester – Part I: Question the tests the test eye 4 Comments

In order to become a successful inquisitive tester, there are a couple of things you can do to improve your skills beyond the more common quest to “question a product”. One important thing is to question the tests themselves. ——————– Have you ever run tests and wondered if they were really necessary, perhaps knowing that the tests […]

Agile vs. agile Henrik Emilsson 3 Comments

This was originally meant as an answer to the (ironic) thread http://thetesteye.com/blog/2009/06/long-live-the-waterfall/ where a new thread was forked when Ola Janson launched a couple of questions regarding agile development. My answers and thoughts on those questions are listed here. In one reply to Ola, Rikard says that he has “…never worked in a truly Agile project…” […]

TEST IDEA TRIGGERS Rikard Edgren 5 Comments

When you come up with a new test idea, you are using your knowledge and experience, but there is also some sort of stimuli that triggers the idea. Something you see, hear, understand or think about. You seldom think in totally new ways, you rather combine things in a new way. These are my favorite […]

Long live the Waterfall Martin Jansson 8 Comments

A cheer to those of you who were able to attend this conferance: http://www.waterfall2006.com/ My favorites: http://www.waterfall2006.com/crispin.html http://www.waterfall2006.com/jeffries.html Thank god everyone is not a believer of the hype around the Agile Movement. Process is king!