‘People’ Archive

1000 Comments on TheTestEye the test eye 6 Comments

Very soon the 1000th comment will be published on thetesteye.com. Comments are our main reason for writing blog posts, because they take our thinking further. Our ideas are challenged, taken in other directions, opening new possibilities (and closing some…) Thank you!! To celebrate this, we will reward the author of the 1000th valid comment with […]

Testing in isolation Martin Jansson 3 Comments

I often promote that testers should sit close to or with their cross functional teams. Still, I am very fond of working in an isolated testlab environment where it is possible to shout, scream, play music and play out dramas that would otherwise disturb the regular office tasks. The office landscapes that are open seem […]

Experience report EuroSTAR Testlab 2012 Martin Jansson 1 Comment

Setup Bart Knaack had done a wonderful job in setting up and organizing the testlab. He had done this by himself. So most credit to him for taking on most of the initial work and planning. Me, Ru Cindrea and Kristoffer Ankarberg focused on keeping the lab up and running as well as taking care […]

Another certification, another scam? Martin Jansson 17 Comments

In a recent blog post [1] on Informator-blog, Magnus C Ohlson articulates the idea of pilots having the flight hours but not the actual flight certificate. He insinuates that the artifacts from requirements and testing would be better if people were certified, if I understand him correctly. Furthermore he explains that testers need education, knowledge […]

Initial thoughts on group testing Martin Jansson 3 Comments

I want to open for a discussion on pair testing or at least widen the concept. By saying pair, we say two people, but why should we limit us to that? Depending what your objective is a different number might be more applicable? Several of the referred authors in this article have elaborated around pair […]

My Very First Testing Lesson Rikard Edgren 4 Comments

As everyone else, I fell into testing by chance. I wanted to work as a developer, and saw testing as a stepping stone (this quickly changed, though.) My first day I tested a Service Pack of a big, localized product. An experienced tester guided me at the start, and I can still remember the conversation. […]

A Let’s TestLab Story Martin Jansson 8 Comments

Preparation The hardware setup of the testlab was 1 server and 4 laptops brought by Compare TestLab, 5 laptops by Adecco IT Konsult and finally 2 laptops brought by James Lyndsay. Many participants brought their own laptops. Before the conference I worked some on setting up a wiki, bug system etc. I tried to find a […]

Let’s TestLab concepts Martin Jansson 1 Comment

On 7-9 May the Let’s Test Conference will take place. During the day there will be lots of interesting tutorials, keynotes and sessions. During the evening the events will continue. One of these activities is the Testlab, that we call Let’s TestLab. Initially I misunderstood Henrik Emilsson when we started to organise the lab. I […]

Are you a Thought Lead or a Thought Peer? Henrik Andersson 13 Comments

Many of us has a title that is connected to what we do at work. Every now and then I come across titles that makes me wonder what it really means. This time it is one that has been around for some time now: Thought Lead, what does this mean? I would not be suprised […]

Testing is blocked? Martin Jansson No Comments

Sometimes when I read status reports or hear project managers talk about testing, I hear that “testing is blocked”. What do they mean by that? When I delve deeper in what they are talking about I sometimes see that the progress on workpackages for the testing team or testers in a team have been combined with […]