‘People’ Archive

Highlights from SWET2 the test eye 1 Comment

The delegates of the second Swedish Workshop on Exploratory Testing (Test Planning and Status Reporting for Exploratory Testing) were: Henrik Andersson, Azin Bergman, Robert Bergqvist, Sigge Birgisson, Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson, Ola Hyltén, Martin Jansson, Johan Jonasson, Saam Koroorian, Simon Morley, Torbjörn Ryber, Fredrik Scheja, Christin Wiedemann, Steve Öberg Discussions on peer conferences can’t be […]

Thoughts from SWET2 Torbjörn Ryber 14 Comments

Once again I have spent the weekend with members of the cream of Swedish testers. This time The Test Eye trio consisting of Henrik Emilsson, Martin Jansson and Rikard Edgren were the hosts. The theme was Exploratory Testing and Planning and we managed to keep the discussions within that scope most of the scheduled sessions. […]

Finding low-hanging fruit Rikard Edgren 2 Comments

Now and then you hear that developers should implement better support for testability, so testers can work more efficient. This is all well, but what about the opposite; how can testers make developers go faster? System testers have system (and a lot of other) knowledge, and we can see if the product turned out really […]

Set All Testers Free! Rikard Edgren 2 Comments

I have entered EuroSTAR’s VideoSTAR competition for 2011, main reason might be that I want more people to see the excellent introduction movie Mårten and Henrik made for me a couple of years ago. My title is “Set All Testers Free!”, and I can’t say I have the details set for a talk, but it […]

There are no testers that are the best Martin Jansson 7 Comments

In a recent discussion with Henrik Andersson on Twitter regarding some consultancies being or claiming to be best at testing. Here is the initial conversation: Henrik: Dear consultant companies why are you calling yourself consultant when all you talk about are recourses and invoiced hours. Shame on you! Henrik: Many “consultant” companies claim to be […]

My First Ambitious Test Project Rikard Edgren 3 Comments

We all test as children; we are curious and want to find things out, before we are one year old we want to break things, and after three we ask “What If” questions. My first ambitious testing journey came many years later. Still a naive teenager, I started studying Philosophy at the university. It was […]

Emerging Topics at CAST 2011 Henrik Emilsson No Comments

Even if most of the program is set, there is still a chance for you to talk at CAST 2011. Matt Heusser and Pete Walen is running the Emerging Topics session: If you would like to speak at CAST 2011, you still have the option of proposing a twenty-minute emerging topics session. (Emerging topics are anything […]

Roleplaying your test scenarios Martin Jansson No Comments

Many of you have played roleplaying games/storytelling games or at least heard of them. In those games you have a gamemaster/storyteller, who arranges scenes or scenarios that the players act in. He does not control what each player does nor how he/she should interact with others. Each player usually plays a role/character that has a […]

Developers, let the testers assist with the technical debt Martin Jansson 4 Comments

Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite. Objects make the cost of this transaction tolerable. The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest on that debt. Entire […]

The Helpful Model Henrik Emilsson 3 Comments

Here is neat story I told to Michael Bolton, Martin Jansson and Markus Gärtner when we were exploring the Metro in Copenhagen, during the coldest days the city had experienced since they started measure the temperature. I promised to blog about it… Let me begin with some background information. A couple of years ago I […]