The Testing vs. Checking Paradox Henrik Emilsson
If you haven’t read the excellent articles by Michael Bolton regarding Testing vs. Checking yet, now is a good time to do it: Done? One thing that struck me with this is that the more testing you do will result in less testing and more checking. I.e., the more you test, the more […]
The Boundaries of System Testing Henrik Emilsson
Over the years I have noticed that System Testing have had a special meaning at every place I have been at; and it has even meant different things for people on the same place. I.e. System Testing is depending on the context; and it is fuzzy because we are dealing with arbitrary and/or general systems. […]
Turns out I’m not a context-driven tester… Rikard Edgren
In many years I have loved most of what is written by the people behind the context-driven school of testing. But I have also felt that there is something that isn’t a perfect match. For a time I thought it was because I saw a few different tries to push people to different schools – […]
Systems outside the testing radar Martin Jansson
When is a system small, non-complex or unprioritzed enough not to be tested? If there is a test organisation working on the bigger system that will be released to customer, what happens to the other smaller systems then? Is it so that they are almost always left untested? I usually identify these as applications that are created by one […]
Rage against the machine Henrik Emilsson
As a user of Facebook I feel really helpless when nothing works as it should (as was the case with the latest GUI-update). Posts were stochastically shown in the feed and a lot of errors occurred in various situations. A lot (all?) of my friends on Facebook experienced the same problems. When there are lots […]
Vancouver 2010 Biathlon Software Rikard Edgren
As a Swede, the winter Olympics are fun to watch. Most sports aren’t spread across the globe, so we have chances for medals. One of the most exciting events are the Biathlon, and perhaps it was a reaction to disappointing results for the Swedish ladies, but I got really upset at the software: The numbers […]
Session-based testing as a foundation for test activities Martin Jansson
Session based testing is most often discussed in combination with exploratory testing. The idea is to make exploratory testing more structured by using it, as James Bach expresses it. I like the whole concept about testing in sessions, thus breaking the day into chunks of work. Considering that you know that there is an infinite set of […]
More Definitions of Quality Rikard Edgren
I grew up in a small “town” in Värmland. Outside the village, most people live in isolated houses/farms on the countryside or in the woods. If you’d ask one of these persons what quality is, they would answer: dä ä väl att fôlk töcker att dä ä bra (guess it’s that people like it) This […]
Are there any passionate script testers? Martin Jansson
When looking for personel in general it is common that we want passionate people who love their work. Most passionate testers that I read about are usually part of the context-driven movement. Can there be testers out there that are really passionate about how they work in the heavy scripted test environment, where someone else […]
Chess & Testing Rikard Edgren
Analogies are helpful, not because they come with truths, but because they can help you highlight and think in different ways about the phenomena you are comparing with. I think you can pick any subject you know a lot about, and after some thinking, interesting things will emerge. The important moments If two chess players […]