37 Sources now in Swedish the test eye
We have now finalized the Swedish translation of 37 Sources for Test Ideas.
Neither the translation nor the original is perfect, but we think they can be useful to many.
If you are interested in translating 37 Sources, or Software Quality Characteristics (Swedish version), let us know.
Henrik, Martin & Rikard
I would gladly help you translate Software Quality Characteristics! Hör av er!
I would also be interested in trying to translate the Testing Software Characteristics in Romanian. I would try to put them in a mindmap though, such as to have a more friendly format 🙂
Vi kunne godt tenke oss en norsk oversettelse av denne. Hvis det ikke finnes allerede kan jeg spille inn et “oversettelsesstunt” til vårt neste fagmøte innenfor test og kvalitetsikring.
Kristian Melhuus Brandser
Daglig leder / Partner
Knowit Quality Management Oslo AS
Henrik did a great presentation at EuroSTAR, and there are now translation initiatives for Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Norwegian!