‘Ideas’ Archive

Question Time? Rikard Edgren No Comments

There has not been a lot written from us on the blog lately; a lot of other things to do, and blogging isn’t the hottest thing nowadays, to say the least. Perhaps we also already have written what we feel is most important, and thereby not addressing what is important to other testers. We therefore […]

Agile Frameworks and the lack of test expertise Martin Jansson 6 Comments

I am a tester and these are my perceptions and reflections on agile concepts. There are several agile frameworks available for implementation to guide the agile transformation. I have not experienced many frameworks myself, but I have experienced several implementations in an agile organisations. One core theme in the agile movement is that everyone should […]

Implication of emphasis on automation in CI Martin Jansson No Comments

Introduction I would believe, without any evidence, that a majority of the test community and product development companies have matured in their view on testing. At conferences you less frequently see the argumentation that testing is not needed. From my own experience and perceiving the local market, there is often new assignments for testers. Many […]

System definition and confidence in the system Martin Jansson No Comments

As a tester, part of your mission should be to inform your stakeholders about issues that might threaten the value of the system/solution. But what if you as a tester do not know the boundary of the system? What if you base your confidence of the result of your testing on a fraction of what […]

Five Tricky Things With Testing Rikard Edgren 5 Comments

I went to SAST Väst Gothenburg today to hold a presentation that can be translated to something like “Five Tricky Things With Testing”. It was a very nice day, and I met old and new friends. Plus an opportunity to write the first blog post in a long time, so here is a very condensed […]

Test Strategy Checklist Rikard Edgren 9 Comments

In Den Lilla Svarta om Teststrategi, I included a checklist for test strategy content. It can be used in order to get inspired about what might be included in a test strategy (regardless if it is in your head, in a document, or said in a conversation.) I use it in two ways: To double-check […]

Not on Twitter Rikard Edgren No Comments

I don’t have a Twitter account. I read Twitter now and then, it contains useful information, but I don’t have the time to do it properly. For me, doing it properly would mean to often write thoughtworthy things within 140 characters. I only have one of those, so better publishing it in a blog post: […]

Den Lilla Svarta om Teststrategi Rikard Edgren 4 Comments

I am quite proud to announce a new free e-book about test strategy. It contains ideas Henrik Emilsson and I have have discussed for years. It is not a textbook, but it contains many examples and material that hopefully will inspire your own test strategies (the careful reader will recognize stuff from this blog and […]

On ISO 29119 Content Rikard Edgren 4 Comments

Background The first three parts of ISO 29119 were released in 2013. I was very skeptic, but also interested, so I grabbed an opportunity to teach the basics of the standard, so it would cover the costs of the standard. I read it properly, and although I am biased against the standard I did a […]

Charisma Testing Rikard Edgren 4 Comments

Why do you prefer a product even if it has equal functionality to a competitor? What is it that makes one product stand out amongst the other? Maybe you have had thoughts about what makes a product feel special? We all know that this happens in some way, but how do you test for the […]