‘People’ Archive

Agile vs. agile Henrik Emilsson 3 Comments

This was originally meant as an answer to the (ironic) thread http://thetesteye.com/blog/2009/06/long-live-the-waterfall/ where a new thread was forked when Ola Janson launched a couple of questions regarding agile development. My answers and thoughts on those questions are listed here. In one reply to Ola, Rikard says that he has “…never worked in a truly Agile project…” […]

Scripted vs Exploratory testing from a managerial perspective Martin Jansson 5 Comments

From a managerial perspective without knowing too much about testing, your sole experience comes from the scripted test environment… What does Scripted Testing include? Control over what is to be tested, in the sense that you have a clear coverage of test cases on certain areas. Reports where you can see exactly how many test […]

The impact of a good or bad bug report Martin Jansson 4 Comments

You are on a quite large company where there are several QA divisions, several layers of management, several listeners to each step of the development process. It is the final weeks of the release. You are about to enter a bug which seem serious but you are not sure. You can take at least two paths […]

I am secretly in love with Cem Kaner Henrik Emilsson 3 Comments

Well, “secretly” as in that he does not know that I am in love with him… Yet! If you haven’t discovered the amazing Cem Kaner yet, I can give you the following advices and hoping that you too might fall in love some day: Visit kaner.com publications and read ANY article from his large publication-section. Buy […]

Tricks with Metrics Henrik Emilsson 2 Comments

Recently in Sweden there was a tragic death to a young child that could have been rescued if only the child had come to a hospital in time for a full exam. The one that was blamed for this death was the medical care hotline company that did not understand the severity of the illness […]

The subproject chicken race Martin Jansson No Comments

With subproject I mean when larger project have a need to split the project into minor parts. The essence of a chicken race is “Each player prefers not to yield to the other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players.” The goal for the larger project should be […]

Addicted to testing Martin Jansson No Comments

The first build has been delayed. I was able to test a bit on the last support issue, but it was just a quick one and it was a few weeks ago. I’ve nothing to report bugs on. Should I enter some bugs into the code myself just to quelch my thirst? Should I test some other […]

Decisions around the product release – part 1 Martin Jansson 3 Comments

Who makes the decision that the product is ready for release? There are many different cases of this situation, here are a few examples. In some companies it is the QA department that makes this decision. This means that it is QA that takes the risk for the release. It also means that if something […]

The dodgy test lead Henrik Emilsson 5 Comments

Not too long ago I had a test lead that I pretty soon recognised as someone that didn’t share my philosophy in software testing. One day I reported to him that I had run all regression tests that were assigned to me. All tests were executed on the same build (we had monthly iterations and […]

Recruiting testers is not an easy task Martin Jansson 3 Comments

From what I have seen there are few recruiters that know what testers and test leads do. Considering that we had a EuroSTAR focusing on defining the profession can be seen as that testing as a profession is quite new and can therefore be considered immature. Many recruiters look for a certain set of skills, […]