Wolf Pack – a collaborative test compilation Martin Jansson

You are part of a pack of wolves. You are hungry and have not found food for several weeks. When you move, you run covering lots of ground quickly. You are out hunting, cooperating and collaborating with the rest of your pack. You are seeking the big game, not a flea, nor a rabbit or […]

Pass to Fail, Fail to Pass Heuristic Rikard Edgren

When teaching scripted testing (yes, I actually do this!) I found the Pass to Fail, Fail to Pass heuristic (used by many, but now with a catchy name.) The essence is that when a not-overly-simple test has resulted in a Pass, think about it some more, and try to make it Fail instead. When a […]

1000 Comments on TheTestEye the test eye

Very soon the 1000th comment will be published on thetesteye.com. Comments are our main reason for writing blog posts, because they take our thinking further. Our ideas are challenged, taken in other directions, opening new possibilities (and closing some…) Thank you!! To celebrate this, we will reward the author of the 1000th valid comment with […]

Testing in isolation Martin Jansson

I often promote that testers should sit close to or with their cross functional teams. Still, I am very fond of working in an isolated testlab environment where it is possible to shout, scream, play music and play out dramas that would otherwise disturb the regular office tasks. The office landscapes that are open seem […]

Experience report EuroSTAR Testlab 2012 Martin Jansson

Setup Bart Knaack had done a wonderful job in setting up and organizing the testlab. He had done this by himself. So most credit to him for taking on most of the initial work and planning. Me, Ru Cindrea and Kristoffer Ankarberg focused on keeping the lab up and running as well as taking care […]

Another certification, another scam? Martin Jansson

In a recent blog post [1] on Informator-blog, Magnus C Ohlson articulates the idea of pilots having the flight hours but not the actual flight certificate. He insinuates that the artifacts from requirements and testing would be better if people were certified, if I understand him correctly. Furthermore he explains that testers need education, knowledge […]

37 Sources now in Swedish the test eye

We have now finalized the Swedish translation of 37 Sources for Test Ideas. Neither the translation nor the original is perfect, but we think they can be useful to many. If you are interested in translating 37 Sources, or Software Quality Characteristics (Swedish version), let us know. Cheers, Henrik, Martin & Rikard

Regarding comments the test eye

Due to all spam comments not being stopped by our automatic checkers, we are unfortunately forced to moderate all comments. We will do this as quick as possible, but there might be some delay before your comment appears. Hope that you understand this, from our point of view, drastic decision. Cheers, Henrik, Martin & Rikard

I am an Exploratory Tester Rikard Edgren

I am curious about how the system works I look at details and the whole, and at many places I use many sources to learn what is important I am creative and see many testing possibilities I test in many different ways, and adjust to the situation I am good at finding important problems fast […]

Complete Testing Risk Reduction with Bohr-Steinlager-Stumpf Quantization Rikard Edgren

Suppose you have a risk assessment fully agreed by stakeholders, and their relatives. Create a stable sampling across all adjacent perspectives, and let the corresponding tests be executed on best representatives platforms, theoretically covering 99.5% of potential future usage. Now, let any opposites conglomerate, and hold their best fit tempo, until the sounds dissolve into […]