Serendipity Questions Rikard Edgren

This Tuesday I held a EuroSTAR webinar: Good Testers are Often Lucky – using serendipity in software testing (about how to increase the chances of finding valuable things we weren’t looking for) Slide notes and recording are available. I got many good questions, and wanted to answer a few of them here: How can we […]

New, new perspectives (EuroSTAR 2015 Lightning Talk) Rikard Edgren

I believe one of the most important traits of testers is that we bring new perspectives, new ideas about what is relevant. I probably believe this from my experiences from the first development team I joined, so I will tell you about the future by telling an old story. This was in Gothenburg, 15 years […]

Test Strategy Checklist Rikard Edgren

In Den Lilla Svarta om Teststrategi, I included a checklist for test strategy content. It can be used in order to get inspired about what might be included in a test strategy (regardless if it is in your head, in a document, or said in a conversation.) I use it in two ways: To double-check […]

Lessons learned from growing test communities Martin Jansson

Background In 2011-2012 a friend, Steve Öberg, started a local community with a few test friends. We talked about testing, sharing experiences and discussing/arguing about various test topics. It was a great initiative, but I wanted something more and bigger. I had a discussion with Emily Bache, who run a local meetup on programming. She […]

Not on Twitter Rikard Edgren

I don’t have a Twitter account. I read Twitter now and then, it contains useful information, but I don’t have the time to do it properly. For me, doing it properly would mean to often write thoughtworthy things within 140 characters. I only have one of those, so better publishing it in a blog post: […]

Lots of test strategy Rikard Edgren

I have been doing lots on test strategy the last year. Some talks, a EuroSTAR tutorial, blog entries, a small book in Swedish, teaching at higher vocational studies, and of course test strategies in real projects. The definition I use is more concrete than many others. I want a strategy for a project, not for […]

Testing Examples Rikard Edgren

I believe we need a lot more examples of software testing. They will be key in transferring tacit knowledge (they will not be all that is required, but an important part.) They work best when done live, so you can discuss, but that doesn’t scale very well. So I have created a few examples in […]

Den Lilla Svarta om Teststrategi Rikard Edgren

I am quite proud to announce a new free e-book about test strategy. It contains ideas Henrik Emilsson and I have have discussed for years. It is not a textbook, but it contains many examples and material that hopefully will inspire your own test strategies (the careful reader will recognize stuff from this blog and […]

On ISO 29119 Content Rikard Edgren

Background The first three parts of ISO 29119 were released in 2013. I was very skeptic, but also interested, so I grabbed an opportunity to teach the basics of the standard, so it would cover the costs of the standard. I read it properly, and although I am biased against the standard I did a […]

The Notepad and Visualize Heuristics Rikard Edgren

I was at Nordic Testing Days and had a great time meeting new and old friends. During my presentation about serendipity I showed two heuristics I wanted to share here as well. They both concern observing from different angles, to learn something new, and increase chances of serendipity. The Notepad Heuristic Years ago I worked […]