Test Strategy Checklist by Rikard Edgren, 23-Mars-2015
37 källor till testidéer 1.0 by Rikard Edgren, Martin Jansson, Henrik Emilsson, 19-Oct-2012
37 Sources for Test Ideas 1.0 by Rikard Edgren, Martin Jansson, Henrik Emilsson, 14-Feb-2012
Software Quality Characteristics 1.1 by Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson, Martin Jansson, 10-Nov-2011
Endorsed translations
Swedish – Kvalitetsegenskaper för Programvara (Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson, Martin Jansson)
Dutch – Software Kwaliteits Kenmerken (Huib Schoots, Ruud Cox, Ray Oei, Zeger van Hese, Jean-Paul Varwijk, Jeanne Hofmans)
Polish – Charakterystyki jakości oprogramowania (Radosław Smilgin)
Romanian – Caracteristici de Calitate a Produselor Software (Adina Moldovan, Ramona Tripa, Alexandra Casapu)
Norwegian – Kvalitetsegenskaper for programvare (May Britt Sandtorv, Geir Gulbrandsen)
Hungarian – Szoftver minőségjellemzők (Zoltán Molnár)
Spanish – Características de la calidad del software (Núria Cardona, Mauri Edo, Marcel Puchol)
Catalan – Característiques de la qualitat del programari (Núria Cardona, Mauri Edo, Marcel Puchol)
Trying to Teach Testing Skills and Judgment by Rikard Edgren, 2015
Den Lilla Svarta om Teststrategi by Rikard Edgren, 2014 (in Swedish)
Lightweight Characteristics Testing by Rikard Edgren, 2014
Exploratory Test Adventure – A Creative, Collaborative, Learning Experience by Martin Jansson and Greger Nolmark
The Little Black Book on Test Design by Rikard Edgren, 2011
More and Better Test Ideas by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2009 (slides)
Testing is an Island by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2008 (movie)
Where testing creativity grows by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2007
Improving Software by Advanced Data Analysis by Rikard Edgren and Henrik Emilsson, EuroSTAR 2005
The Best, and most humble, test team in the world by Martin Jansson and Greger Nolmark, Tea-time with Testers, November 2012 – Issue 10
Exploratory Test Adventure – A Creative, Collaborative, Learning Experience by Martin Jansson and Greger Nolmark, The Testing Planet, November 2012 – Issue 9
Addicted to Pass/Fail? by Rikard Edgren, Tea-time with Testers, August 2011 – Issue 5
Testers Greatest Nemesis by Martin Jansson, Testing Circus, May 2011 Issue
Turning the tide of bad testing part 2 by Martin Jansson, Tea-time with Testers, April 2011 – Issue 3
Turning the tide of bad testing part 1 by Martin Jansson, Tea-time with Testers, March 2011 – Issue 2
The Eye of a Skilled Software Tester by Rikard Edgren, The Testing Planet, March 2011 – Issue 4
Testing & Creativity by Rikard Edgren, The Testing Planet, July 2010 – Issue 2
A Test Data Journey in a Healthcare Landscape by Henrik Emilsson and Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2017
Fem besvärliga saker med testning by Rikard Edgren, SAST VÄST 2017 (in Swedish)
Good Testers are Often Lucky (webinar recording) by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR webinar 2016
Growing From a Reckless Bughunter to a Stakeholder Conversationalist by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2015, Maastricht
Test Strategy – Next Level (1 day tutorial) by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2014, Dublin
Trying to Teach Testing Skills and Judgment by Rikard Edgren, EuroSTAR 2014, Dublin
Varför testar vi? Att skaka fram förankrade testuppdrag by Rikard Edgren, SAST Stockholm, September 2014 (in Swedish)
Good Testers are Often Lucky by Rikard Edgren, Nordic Testing Days, June 2014
Learning by Discussions by Rikard Edgren, testoutwest, November 2013
Introduction to Test Strategy by Rikard Edgren, Scandinavian Developer Conference, March 2013 (webinar)
Från vaga testuppdrag till förankrad teststrategi by Rikard Edgren, Dataföreningen, October 2012 (in Swedish)
Exploratory Test Design (½-day tutorial) by Rikard Edgren, Let’s Test, May 2012
Utforskande testning by Rikard Edgren, SAST Stockholm, February 2012 (in Swedish, video)
Curing Our Binary Disease by Rikard Edgren, Øredev, Malmö, November 2011 (video)
Exploratory Test Design by Rikard Edgren, DevCon, Karlskrona, September 2011 (video)
77 Test Idea Triggers by Rikard Edgren, SAST Öresund, May 2011
The Eye of a Skilled Software Tester by Rikard Edgren, Scandinavian Developer Conference 2011
Broken Windows-teorin och testningsskuld by Martin Jansson, SAST 15 year 2010
Test Strategy – WorkRave Test Strategy by Rikard Edgren (and delegates)
Exploratory Testing Session – Spotify Offline by Rikard Edgren
Bug Finding – Spotify Space, Image Galumphing by Rikard Edgren
Scenario Testing – LibreOffice Compatibility by Rikard Edgren
Test Analysis – Screen Pluck by Rikard Edgren
WordFreq v1 by Martin Jansson – A tool that can be used to identify the frequency of words used in a text corpus. (Python script should be working on most platforms, exe-file has been proven to work on Windows XP)
TestDataWithRuby by Rikard Edgren – A simple example of generating text files (xml) with Ruby
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