Author Archive

Long live the Waterfall Martin Jansson 8 Comments

A cheer to those of you who were able to attend this conferance: My favorites: Thank god everyone is not a believer of the hype around the Agile Movement. Process is king!

The subproject chicken race Martin Jansson No Comments

With subproject I mean when larger project have a need to split the project into minor parts. The essence of a chicken race is “Each player prefers not to yield to the other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players.” The goal for the larger project should be […]

Unwanted bug reports Martin Jansson 4 Comments

A few months ago I reported a bug to the installer of a security radar at a door. He had placed a radar just inside the door so that people who were going out never had to use their pass card to get out. Instead you just walked up to the door and it opened, […]

Decisions around the product release – part 3 Martin Jansson 2 Comments

What is essence of the discussion on release team/showstopper meetings? I am assuming that there is a meeting. I’ve been to many different kinds of showstopper meetings and most companies handle them differently. One important item on the agenda for the meeting is usually the bugs that are found late in the project, thus at […]

Addicted to testing Martin Jansson No Comments

The first build has been delayed. I was able to test a bit on the last support issue, but it was just a quick one and it was a few weeks ago. I’ve nothing to report bugs on. Should I enter some bugs into the code myself just to quelch my thirst? Should I test some other […]

Decisions around the product release – part 2 Martin Jansson 3 Comments

How is information handled around the decisions for the product release? There are many different situations around this, the following is what I’ve experienced and my tips and tricks. In many cases there is no information available or rather it is not presented to the decision makers. It also common that the information is not […]

Decisions around the product release – part 1 Martin Jansson 3 Comments

Who makes the decision that the product is ready for release? There are many different cases of this situation, here are a few examples. In some companies it is the QA department that makes this decision. This means that it is QA that takes the risk for the release. It also means that if something […]

Automated random or fuzzy testing by random input Martin Jansson 2 Comments

Random testing or fuzzy testing is nothing new, but for those of you who are new to it I just wanted to share a little tool I found. If you want to know a bit more about fuzzy testing go read at or whatever place you like to find quick info at. Barton Miller […]

Testing in unknown territory Martin Jansson 4 Comments

A few years ago I switched company from a software company to a hardware focused company. I understood from start that this would be a difficult task in getting to learn the new technologies and platforms, but I did not see what this would do for testing. When you test software that you are totally […]

Project tool – Trac Martin Jansson No Comments

”Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team’s established development process and policies.”, see […]