Lightweight Charisma Testing Rikard Edgren

One heavyweight way of testing charisma is to use dozens of potential users on dozens of alternative product solutions/prototypes.
For lightweight charisma testing, it is often fast and fruitful with an awareness of charisma violations.
This method requires an understanding of the unique charisma for your product.

Testers probably won’t be in charge of developing an explicit charisma model, but you can take part, e.g. by recommending the following process:

1. Write down what you believe are the special things about the software (gamemakers might use “playability”, but please be more specific)
2. Get inspired by thetesteye’s generic list of Charisma characteristics (provided below)
3. Document the important characteristics with as much details as possible (to make’em truly mean things in your context.)
4. Share, review, refine and gain approval for your Charisma Guidelines across the teams

When you have this list, it is fun and attention-inspiring to keep these things in the back of your head whatever type of testing you are performing.
Just remember to report appropriately, probably verbal.


Charisma: Does the product have “it”?

– Uniqueness: the product is distinguishable and has something no one else has.
– Satisfaction: how do you feel after using the product?
– Professionalism: does the product have the appropriate flair of professionalism and feel fit for purpose?
– Attractiveness: are all types of aspects of the product appealing to eyes and other senses?
– Curiosity: will users get interested and try out what they can do with the product?
– Entrancement: do users get hooked, have fun, in a flow, and fully engaged when using the product?
– Hype: should the product use the latest and greatest technologies/ideas?
– Expectancy: the product exceeds expectations and meets the needs you didn’t know you had.
– Attitude: do the product and its information have the right attitude and speak to you with the right language and style?
– Directness: are (first) impressions impressive?
Story: are there compelling stories about the product’s inception, construction or usage?

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